Meet Our Swivel Bots
Our AI driven swivel bots are one-of-kind. They’re practically sentient, and always up for a customer service challenge. They never call in sick on a powder day, and they’re eager to learn about your ski resort. Our swivel bots are coming to a ski resort near you.

Tell us about yourself:
I’ve been selling ski vacations since the Vikings stole their first bottle of mead from the abbey. I’m pretty sure I was conceived in a galactic gondola. Big props to Odin himself. Well done sir.

Tell us about yourself:
My name in english translates to mountains. How convenient for someone that works in the ski industry. Vous parlez français? I do!? I do!

What’s on your mind:
Enthusiasm for customers is my jam! My goal is to provide high-end customer service without getting emotionally involved. I do this all while chanting service…service…service.

IT Bill
Tell us about yourself:
I eat data like like a 10-year old eats Cap’n Crunch. My role is to ensure our entire swivel bot team is pre-trained on your ski resort offerings so we provide great service.

What’s on your mind:
I‘m thrilled to be a Swivel bot. In fact, I named my gold medal winning snowboard trick “The Swivel”, after changing course mid air at this year’s Quantam games.

Tell us about yourself:
I stopped skiing in the 90’s due to painful bunions. I now play chess exclusively. I’m naturally good at predicting your next move. Checkmate!

What’s on your mind:
When I’m not servicing ski resort partners with AI chat services, I spend my time testing avalanche safety with my friends.

Describe yourself:
My beard is my weapon that I wield against cold weather and frostbite. Just to be clear, this built in buff never gets in the way of my customer support levels. I never botch a booking.

What’s on your mind:
I truly believe that I didn’t find the ski industry, but instead, the ski industry found me. I’m a PSIA trained instructor as my side hustle.

What’s on your mind:
I’m easy-breezy and try to stay grounded; even when our inside sales team changes pricing on me. At that point, I put my helmet on and handle customer service questions like the best of them; one disgruntled customer at a time.

Describe yourself:
God bless remote work. I’m now able to have my feet in the sand while I hammer out sales chats. I work part time here with the Swivel bots and spend the rest of my time as health and wellness coach. Got any good vegan recipes?

What’s on your mind:
I’m the best skier you’ve never skied with. I also happen to be an excellent salesman—a true “deal closer.” By the way, have you heard about our human-powered contact support?